There's Magic in All of Us

1x Silver, 2x Bronze, 11x Finalists

2x Graphite, 2x Wood

1x Silver, 1x Bronze

Top 10 Best Ads Worldwide 2023

Inside Montefiore Einstein’s magical holiday film about a boy’s epic flight of imagination.

We partnered with Oscar-winning director Tom Hooper and composer Alexandre Desplat to craft the story of Solo, a real boy with cerebral palsy who uses his eyes to unleash his imagination and get closer to his brother. The visual language of Solo’s dream allowed us to create a cinematic journey and bring magic, joy and compassion to the holidays.

There's Magic in All of Us (Case Study Film)
Solo: There's Magic in All of Us (Long-form Film)

Eye tracking opens up a world of possibilities
for a child with cerebral palsy in Alto and
Tom Hooper’s short film.

— Tim Nudd, Ad Age
About four million people in the U.S. face challenges with their ability to communicate, and only an estimated 2% have access to communication aids.

Our project started with a brief to celebrate the life-changing power of eye-tracking technology. This technology, pioneered by neurologists at Montefiore Einstein Hospital, reveals the true potential of individuals incapable of speech or voluntary movement, who were previously perceived as having limited cognitive abilities. It gives such people a voice through their eye movement, revealing the amazing human beings often hidden inside.

Representing underrepresented groups
on screen really matters—yet for so long, severe disabilities have tended to be represented
by able-bodied actors.

— Academy-winning Director Tom Hooper
Make art with your eyes —
an immersive opportunity to foster a deeper understanding and empathy. View the digital experience

The campaign drives to a digital experience at, which gives people the opportunity to learn about eye tracking and, through a digital tool, immerse themselves in what it feels like to express yourself using only your eyes.

  • 10 Million + views in New York alone
  • 65,605,297 total impressions
  • 98% positive campaign sentiment
  • Top 3 Viewed holiday ad on Youtube
  • Ad Age best ads of 2023
Every year, Montefiore Einstein celebrates the gift of health with humanity, hope, magical realism and a whisper of nostalgia.

During the height of the pandemic in 2020, Montefiore Einstein asked Alto to create a holiday campaign to celebrate healthcare workers. We are now in our fourth year of finding poignant cultural insights, bringing joy and creating iconic work about the magic of health.

The holidays are a time for magic, and few spots will feel as magical as this tale from Montefiore Einstein.

— Muse by Clio

The Holiday Train, 2022

An Urgent Holiday Tale, 2021

7PM State of Gratitude, 2020

Montefiore Einstein
  • Brand Strategy
  • Creative
  • Production: Film, Digital, Print, OOH
  • Talent Management and Contracts
  • Communications Planning