For 200 years, society has treated the old ways of working as sacred and unchangeable. So Upwork brought back a deceased CEO to share a provocative and long overdue message: the old ways of working (in an office, 9-5, two weeks vacation) were entirely made up by people like him. So why not make up something better?
Despite being the category leader in the freelance/remote work marketplace, Upwork’s brand awareness remained extremely low. To gain recognition and establish themselves as the category leader, Upwork needed a message and campaign that would be difficult to ignore and impossible to forget.
Beyond the two-minute musical, the campaign includes a bold visual campaign and 15 different spots, including 60-, 30-, 15- and six-second spots, each with unique narratives in which Jack, the CEO, espouses many of the ways Upwork benefits business owners, all while losing various body parts.
The old way of working is deader than me.
Establishing a new voice to go along with the new creative platform required more than just a film. So Alto created a new, more irreverent and confident design identity for executions across OOH, web and all social platforms.
‘This Is How We Work Now’ is replete with sweeping visuals, befitting casting and acute attention to detail, allowing the unique concept to reach its full cinematic glory.